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We know that your time is short, that’s why we separate this page dedicated to answering your main questions!

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General questions

It will depend on your decision. For a low maintenance style, frequent showers at home, and fewer appointments, a shorter, easier style is recommended. Appointment between 6-8 weeks.

For a more specific cut and your pet looks more like his or her breed. Maintenance is recommended every 4 weeks and brushing 2 or 4 times a week between appointments.

For dogs with long hair, and easy to tangle, more frequent brushing is important, and with more frequent appointments. between 2-3 weeks

Your appointment can be scheduled online using the Book On-line button, b phone via text message, call or rescheduled at each end of the appointment

The amount charged for each service changes according to the service and the size of the dog. We offer two packages, Full Cleaning and Full Grooming. You can check values ​​in the Price Option


Depending on the situation, some can be removed easily, but in other cases to prevent pain to the animal we suggest a short haircut.

We will see the best we can do in that case

We travel from San Francisco to San Jose. Due the traffic reasons we travel to San Francisco on Tuesday and San Jose on Wednesday. If you Live in one of area and you need a different day, please let us know.

We offer two different packages. We call Full cleaning that is included: Nails trimming, ear cleaning, sanitary trimming, de-shedding (if necessary), teeth brush, anal glands express, two washes, first wash is with Hypoallergenic Shampoo, and second wash with Smart Wash50 light smell.

All product we used is from Chris Christensen such as Hypoallergenic Shampoo, Shampoo, and conditioner, and brushes.

Smart Wash 50 Grooming Shampoos